
FORUM™ - FORUM-B suitable for all types of four-stroke engines.

FORUM-B is a military-grade engine oil additive developed jointly by the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Rocket Fuel and Fuel Central Bureau of the Russian Ministry of Defense (the letter "B" in the name represents "military").

FORUM-B is specifically designed for all types of four-stroke engines operating under high-speed, extreme, and heavy-load conditions. It is compatible with all types of engine oils.

In military equipment, it is crucial to quickly form a protective layer on engine components, especially under free and extreme load conditions. Therefore, the composition of the FORUM-B additive includes UPTFE-Forum® modified with oxygen. This accelerates the formation of UPTFE coating on metal surfaces and strengthens the bond between the coating and the protected surface. Additionally, the quantity of UPTFE-FORUM™ in this product is increased by 60%.

It is recommended to use FORUM-B when the engine load increases and in any unfavorable operating conditions.

FORUM-B is suitable for turbocharged engines as well. The presence of a turbocharger enhances the efficiency of the additive, as the UPTFE-Forum® coating can withstand high temperatures (up to 400°C and transient peaks of up to 500°C) and remains firmly bonded to the friction surfaces. This significantly reduces wear and the risk of turbocharger failure, especially during startup and in situations where lubrication oil is insufficient.

The application effects of FORUM-B additive in four-stroke engines include:

  • Increased protection against friction and wear

  • Rapid restoration of damaged surfaces

  • 2-10 times reduction in wear of friction surfaces

  • 3 times reduction in carbon formation

  • 2-8 decibel reduction in vibrations

  • Extended service life of the oil by 2-3 times

  • Elimination of wear during cold starts

  • 15% increase in engine power

  • Increased cylinder compression

  • Fuel savings of 5-20%

Ingredients: Modified UPTFE-FORUM® (60% increased content), deep-cleaning base oil

When replacing the engine oil in a four-stroke engine using FORUM-B, the oil filter must be replaced first according to the following procedure:
1. Drain the old engine oil and replace the oil filter.
2. Shake the bottle vigorously until the active ingredient UPTFE-Forum® is evenly distributed throughout the liquid volume.
3. Pour the additive into a container with new oil and stir. It is normal to have a small amount of sediment at the bottom of the empty bottle after use.
4. Pour the oil with the additive into the engine and let the engine run for at least 15 minutes to ensure even distribution of the additive throughout the system.

One bottle (250 milliliters) is designed for 3-5 liters of oil.

If it is not possible to add FORUM-B simultaneously during oil and filter replacement, it can be done before driving 500 kilometers. In this case, the FORUM-B additive must be poured into the running engine through the oil filling port for 5 minutes or in 2-3 portions, with the engine being restarted for 5 minutes after each addition.

The effects of the additive will become apparent after driving 200-500 kilometers and will continue throughout the entire service life of the oil.