FORUM™ - FORUM™ motor drive.

FORUM™ motor drive additive is designed for use in constant speed motor drives.

This additive is compatible with any type of lubricant.

The application effects of the FORUM™ motor drive additive are as follows:

  • Extends the lifespan of joints by 2-3 times.

  • Reduces starting resistance at low temperatures.

  • Exhibits high anti-scratch properties.

  • Reduces the friction coefficient by 100 times in cases of emergency lubrication loss.

  • Provides protection for joints at temperatures up to 500°C.

Composition: UPTFE-FORUM™, multi-purpose lithium-based grease, base oil.

The procedure for using the FORUM™ motor drive additive is as follows:

1. Remove the old lubricating grease.

2. Mix FORUM™ with an equal amount of any drive lubricant at a 1:1 ratio.

3. Apply the resulting mixture to the motor drive.

For heavily worn motor drives, it is recommended to use the undiluted additive.