FORUM untuk semua jenis transmisi manual dan gearbox

FORUM is suitable for all types of manual transmissions and gearboxes, designed specifically to handle manual transmissions, axles, all types of gearboxes, and limited-slip differentials.

The effects of FORUM FT001 on all types of manual transmissions and gearboxes are as follows:

  • Significantly extended lifespan of the transmission mechanism.

  • Reduction of gear wear by 50 times.

  • Reduction of vibration in the mechanism by 2-8 dB.

  • Enhanced performance of the gear oil.

  • Improved smoothness of gear shifting.

  • Optimization of clearances between mating components.

Ingredients: UPTFE-FORUM™, deep-cleaning base oil.

To use FORUM for manual transmissions and all types of gearboxes, follow the instructions below:
1. Drain the old gearbox oil.
2. Shake the bottle vigorously until the active ingredients of UPTFE-FORUM® are evenly distributed throughout the liquid volume.
3. Pour the additive into a container with fresh gearbox oil and stir. Some sediment at the bottom of the empty bottle after use is normal.
4. Pour the oil with the additive into the transmission mechanism and drive the vehicle for at least 30 minutes. One bottle is designed for 2-3 liters of gearbox oil.

It is recommended to use FORUM gearbox oil whenever changing the gearbox oil for all types of manual transmissions and gearboxes.