FORUM™ - FORUM™ ENERGY GASOLINE - Engine protection, enhanced power, and fuel efficiency additive specifically designed for gasoline vehicle fuel tanks.

FORUM™ ENERGY GASOLINE is an efficient additive specifically designed for gasoline fuel systems. This formulation offers characteristics such as anti-wear, restoration, resource conservation, and energy savings.

With UPTFE-Forum™ present in the fuel system, it creates a thin protective layer that can restore and protect the components of the fuel system while preventing the formation of corrosion. Additionally, this additive lubricates and gently cleans the fuel system, resulting in improved fuel combustion efficiency, reduced fuel consumption, and increased equipment power.

The application effects of using FORUM™ ENERGY GASOLINE include:

  • Reducing fuel consumption and improving its quality.

  • Increasing engine power.

  • Restoring and protecting the surfaces of the fuel system while preventing corrosion.

  • Extending the lifespan of fuel injection pumps.

  • Gentle cleaning of carbon deposits in the combustion chamber.

  • Decreasing noise, knocking, and vibrations.

  • Reducing the levels of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons in exhaust emissions.

Ingredients: UPTFE compounds, xylene, high-purity petroleum products.

To use FORUM™ ENERGY GASOLINE, follow these steps, assuming the fuel filter is in good condition:

1. Shake the bottle vigorously until the UPTFE-FORUM™ active components are evenly distributed throughout the liquid volume.
2. Pour one bottle of FORUM™ ENERGY GASOLINE into a fuel tank containing 40-50 liters of gasoline.
3. Fill the fuel tank with gasoline.
4. Use the fuel until it reaches the "reserve" level without adding additional fuel.

To maintain the desired effect, it is sufficient to add FORUM™ ENERGY GASOLINE once.